Current trends, opinions, news articles, and musings about branding.



Brand Musings’ purpose is to provide current trends, opinions, news articles, and musings about branding. Brand Musings is a product of Cranium Agency, a nationally recognized brand and creative agency.

Brand Musings editorial staff consists of professionals with a passion for writing about branding, marketing, and design. We encourage guest writers to submit their musings. Please contact Alex Valderrama directly via email at on how to contribute as a guest writer.

Feel free to post your comments as you wish and we will filter as we wish. All comments are filtered for spam and unprofessional content.

The general rules for posting your comments are “be courteous and be thoughtful”.

Finally, if you have suggestions on news articles, opinions, thoughts, or how we can make this site better, please contact Alex Valderrama directly via email at
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