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Increase Sales With A Stronger Brand Promise​​​​​​​

When we conduct brand strategy workshops, we are often given the challenge to define the “Brand Promise” for the company. Arriving at the final brand promise statement takes a little time and patience, but it will provide a better return on your marketing and sales investment.

There are many reasons you may want to revisit or create a brand promise for your company. The most relevant reason is to clearly define the primary reason you have a product or service. There are other reasons, such as a major repositioning in your marketplace, a more clear understanding of what you provide to your customers and ultimately, the most important reason is to increase sales with a clear brand message.

How do you arrive at a stronger brand promise? Let’s take a closer look at the process. First, you must have all of your products or services defined and aligned with their benefits. Second, it is important to also define the brand’s mission and vision statements along with the position your brand will occupy in the market. Let’s not forget any market research necessary to understand your brand position further. Once you have articulated these statements and defined your position in the marketplace, you’re ready to begin tackling your true brand promise. These are not just words on paper; they are definitive statements which guide your overall marketing, communications, and brand strategy. Also, a clearly defined brand promise will help rally your employees around a purpose they can in turn clearly communicate in their everyday work to further the success of the company.

As consumers, we are told what to expect from a particular brand. Our expectations are formed based on a multitude of micro-moments in the form of advertising, emails, discussions, etc. The combination of all of these micro-moments is the brand promise. We have all experienced this with the brands we encounter.

Here is a quick example. Imagine reading an ad where a hamburger joint promotes their burgers as being the best tasting and cheapest burger in town. Now, on your first visit, you order one of these burgers and quickly find out the price is almost double the cost other burger joints and the taste was average. Their brand promise to you has been broken, and the likelihood of you going back to that burger joint has diminished greatly. Now, imagine the same burger joint advertising a great atmosphere with a delicious burger. Your expectations would align with their brand promise and make you a happier customer. Why? Because you were initially told what to expect for your money and they delivered on their promise to you. The brand promise is all about expectations. 

In conclusion, be careful how you articulate your brand promise and pay particular attention as to how your brand promise will help differentiate your brand from the competition. An established brand promise is essential to your business and marketing success.

What’s your brand promise?


About Cranium Agency:

Since 1989, Cranium Agency (a brand communications agency) has helped clients from early stage to Fortune 500 create, maintain and evolve their brands. Through our proprietary process, companies have benefitted with stronger brand recognition, a clear brand position, and engaging customer experiences. Cranium Agency can be reached by phone at 303.952.9332 or on the web at


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