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Money Can Buy Love!

A Closer Look At Brand Engagement

There are plenty of reasons why someone may not purchase a product or service. The biggest reason may be that they do not have an emotional feeling about the brand. These brands do not engage with their potential customers at an emotional level. 

“People buy based on an emotional feeling.” 

A strong brand that creates an emotional feeling will encourage the buyer to act. This applies to every brand, including the not-so-sexy brands in the industries such as banking, accounting, manufacturing, etc. Every brand has an opportunity to engage their customers, and the most effective strategy is to engage them through an emotional need or want. These brand engagements are not defined by what the customer gets in turn for their money, but how they feel before, during and after a purchase. Imagine the excitement right before a great concert, visiting a favorite restaurant, buying the most current smartwatch, or driving a new car off the lot. All of these are examples of how someone might feel when they make a purchase based on emotional interaction with their favorite brand. 

Strategically, building a brand that is in tune with their customers and creating an emotional engagement is very difficult. It involves time, a lot of introspect and a clear definition of the brand. Many brand elements are used to discover how to engage the customer on an emotional level. One of which we spoke about earlier in a recent article called “Increase Sales With a Stronger Brand Promise.” Also, brand purpose, brand differentiators, a strong positioning statement and the reason why the brand is in existence are a few of the elements needed to clearly define a robust strategy. And, with a strong strategy, you will build an emotional connection between your brand and your prospective buyers.

Let’s face it. Every brand has an opportunity to make an impact on our lives – an impact that creates an emotional response of happiness, excitement, confidence, empowerment, a happy experience, joyfulness, and so much more. These emotional feelings are what drives customers to purchase a product or service, by creating a lasting memory and exciting the senses. A love-fest the brand is sure to benefit from with recurring sales and happy customers.

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