Current trends, opinions, news articles, and musings about branding.

The Secret Weapon to Strong and Consistent Branding

Branding - The Secret WeaponIt’s a simple fact. When your prospects are presented with unclear, inconsistent or muddled brand messages, they instinctively say “no,” and move on. However, creating consistent selling statements throughout your branding campaign can be difficult. Especially when you’re under the gun to produce a sales letter by the end of the day and an e-blast campaign by the end of the week—not to mention a web site landing page that’s due ASAP.

Does this scenario sound familiar? Well, I have a secret weapon that will assure your marketing materials have consistent and strategically sound brand messages. The solution is a comprehensive Key Message Copy Platform that includes a series of strong, benefit-driven marketing statements about your product.

It’s been said that every competition is won before it’s fought. This holds true in marketing as much as it does sports or any other endeavor. What this point clearly speaks to is planning, because failing to plan is planning to fail.

This has never been more true than it is in today’s highly-competitive business markets. In fact, a Key Message Copy Platform should be the first marketing communication piece you write for your branding campaign.

You can then use your completed platform as a springboard for writing a wide range of high-impact materials that have a consistent tone and message throughout your traditional, digital and social media campaigns.

This is a much more effective strategy than writing content intended to build your brand on a “make-it-up-as-you-go” basis.

What is a Key Message Copy Platform?
A Key Message Copy Platform is a comprehensive document that contains all relevant marketing and branding statements about your product or service. Its purpose is to serve as the “master message document” from which you spin off all your essential marketing pieces.

You can be very flexible with how your Key Message Copy Platform is organized. However, the ones I’ve written are typically divided into the following sections:

  • Product tag line
  • Description of your specific target market
  • Example of the style and voice to be used in your campaign
  • Explanation of the value provided by your product or service
  • Description of how your product works
  • A complete list of market research facts and figures
  • Unique selling proposition statement
  • Emotional selling proposition statements
  • Product positioning statement
  • Testimonials from product champions
  • Secondary key message benefit statements
  • Key message benefit statements that overcome anticipated product objections
  • Sample headlines for use throughout your campaign

Imagine the power you’ll have in your hands when you develop a thoroughly-developed Key Message Copy Platform for your next product branding campaign.

Suddenly, creating consistent selling statements throughout your marketing cycle will be much less difficult. And when you’re under the gun to produce a sales letter by the end of the week and a micro site by the end of the month—not to mention a string of social media posts that are due yesterday—the task will be much less daunting.

Plus, you’re assured of having strong, consistent branding statements about your product throughout your marketing campaign. This greatly increases the chances of making a positive impact on your target market—because repetition builds reputation.

Key Message Copy Platforms really are the secret weapon to:

  • Developing strong, consistent brand statements
  • Creating a memorable, positive image for your product
  • Touching your target audience on an emotional level
  • Increasing the selling power of your marketing materials
  • Raising your ROI to levels that meet and exceed your expectations

So why not put this secret weapon to work for you?


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