Current trends, opinions, news articles, and musings about branding.

3 Easy Steps to Writing Memorable Taglines

CS 3 easy stepsIt’s a step I never miss. When I write Core Message Platforms for my clients’ branding campaigns, I always create a section that includes a number of tagline options for their product or service.

It’s a big advantage to have a memorable tagline that people automatically link to your business, product or service—and it’s a very important step in branding your product or service.

However, the number one problem I see people make when writing taglines is trying to be too clever. And they often make the process of creating a tagline way too complicated.

My big secret for you is this

Keep your tagline writing process simple. Real simple. To keep you on track, here is a highly-effective tagline writing formula you can master in three basic steps.

  1.  Use short, simple words (mostly one to two syllables )
  2.  Keep it brief (three to six words)
  3.  State or imply a benefit or action of some kind

Can it really be this basic? Of course it can. Just consider some legendary consumer companies you have bought products from for years…or even decades.

Most of the time you can connect a memorable tagline with the company that was repeated over and over again for years.

Here’s Some Examples

All-State Insurance – You’re in Good Hands with All-State

Metropolitan Life – Get Met. It Pays.

Nike – Just Do It

Here are a few examples of taglines I’ve created for some of my business-to-business (B2B) clients.

  • LumiWave – Pain Relief. The Light Way.
  • Axis – Strength in Every Direction
  • VMDnet – Video that Hooks and Persuades

All of these taglines are tight, simple, and communicate a benefit or encourage you to take an action.

Don’t make the mistake of trying to be too zippy, clever or long winded with your taglines.

Being concise and crisp makes it easy to REMEMBER your tagline. And that’s the key. You want people to remember your tagline because that means they’ll remember your product!


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